It’s been a long-long day. The kind of day when all you want to do is lie on the couch with a shot full of booze down the pipe, but you can’t. Because tons and tons of meaningless things called ‘workload’ is cluttered before you and demands your full attention.
What a day.
I have found that the only way to relieve the mounting headache after such a day, rather than hammering it with more hangover headache, is to listen to good, loud and filthy metal. Of particular effectiveness are those old-styled, Thrashy Black Metal stuffs. The kind that newer bands nowadays, as rumors has it, like so much to emulate (or is it ‘resurrect’?)...
Whatever. Here are my choices of shitty-long-day panacea from the good ole 90s.
Nothing from the 2000s? OF COURSE NOT.