Thursday, April 29, 2021

Revelation II

“After these things…said, ‘Let twelve angels come into existence
[to] rule over chaos and the [underworld].’ And look, from the cloud
an [angel] appeared, whose face blazed with fire and whose
countenance was fouled with blood.” 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Revelation I

“Black Magic is really only a graduated combination of sacrileges and murders designed for the permanent perversion of a human will and for the realization in a living man of the hideous phantom of the demon

It is therefore, properly speaking, the religion of the devil, the cultus of darkness
, hatred of good carried to the height of paroxysm: it is the incarnation of death and 
the persistent creation of hell.”

Sunday, April 25, 2021


“As I said, I have no interest in revealing the Coven,
especially because I have almost met sudden death on several occasions (once by half an inch) 
and several others have already perished under mysterious circumstances. 

These people will stop at nothing, including murder
They have no fear of man-made laws or the Ten Commandments.”

Friday, April 23, 2021

Hail, Red Skies

“There was no sadistic pleasure in the killing. I killed them as I would like to be

If I did it to myself I could only experience it once. If I did it to others, I

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Red Dawning

“Afterwards it was all sexual confusion, 
I was honoring myself. I hated the decay and the dissection.”

Monday, April 19, 2021

Red Clouds Coming

“I did it all for me. Purely selfish. I worshiped the art and the act of
Death, over and over. It’s as simple as that.” 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Temple Orgy

So we shall always held in fond remembrance – Always trust your lust that burns like a fiery spill, 
The ultimate grip of tormenting ecstasy
You know you can’t lie. You know your body is your temple to die

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Orgy - Reprise

“As described by the prisoner, cultic rituals 
included severing one or both breasts with a thin wire garrote, 
each celebrant “taking communion” by eating a piece 
before the relic was consigned to Shzadum-Kabra’s trophy box.
At one point, Ah-dathum told detectives, he had

So shall we remember - Turn your lust to fiery spill, an ultimate burst of ecstasy, 
an uneasy still
You know you can’t lie. You know you can’t hide.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Orgy II

“The suspect promptly failed a polygraph examination,
cracking under stiff interrogation to describe the
“satanic chapel” in Shzadum-Kabra’s upstairs bedroom, where
captive women were tortured with knives and ice picks, gang-raped
and finally sacrificed to Satan by members of a tiny cult” 

Turn your lust to fiery spill, an ultimate burst of ecstasy, petrified
You know you can’t lie. You know you can’t hide.

Sunday, April 11, 2021


When the weather’s cold enough, you know all you wanted in this damp cellar 

Turn your lust to fiery spill, an ultimate burst of ecstasy, liquified
You know you can’t lie. You know you can’t hide.

Friday, April 9, 2021

If At First You Don’t Succeed

Regroup, rethink, resume the hunt.

Think of all the great moments & the toys to tinkers with, after the hunt [link to download]

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Presumed to be a handful of things unproven, those who suffer for the flames of the art shall always be returned again. 

Bring back the hammer of Tamaik – Ulurbazuth Karmothiaz

No rest nor peace ‘till Tamaik is sealed upon this realm

Monday, April 5, 2021


Now that the culling’s half done.

That the calling for tyrants have been sung. 

Time to enter the next phase is at hand

Time to relearn the ways of the burnt and forgotten ones, those who shalt be returned again.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Learn II

Once embraced it can never be unlearned, the beautiful, painful punishment that is otherworldly in its viciousness.

Run the tracks red in lust and hate. Pedal to the metal.