Black Metal of the Anti-Gravity Kind

As far as I’m concern, there is no limit to what kind of dark and satanic theme Black Metal can incorporate into its fold. Who says evil should only be constrained on this ball of dirt or a Judeo Christian-centered myth anyway? So, it’s definitely nice to see a whole blog dedicated to the less obvious of Black Metal’s legion. I’ve also heard in passing that many North Americans find the subject of UFOs and Aliens far more unnerving than the typical “Satan/Devil” things. Sounds like themes that would fit perfectly with Black Metal.
Hungarian Delight

There is one thing about Hungary that I’ve learnt since the great snail mail & tape trading days: this country never produces mediocre, easy to pigeon hole kind of bands. They always have that bold and original mark of identity even when playing the most obvious of underground clichés. Which is why, a whole blog dedicated to the scene is just too much to pass by.
Beautiful Dementia

Going home from a long, tedious office bullshit day, trapped in a sea of traffic jam where people are swarming like maggots, one can really conjure some of the most demented pictures in mind. This blog, with all of its haunting and almost ethereal parade of ‘dark’ pictures is a real catharsis for such moments. No words. Just a gallery of morbid thoughts, and maybe some experiences too. I wish this could go on a public exhibition near my hometown. Can’t wait to see the reaction of those self-righteous art-snobs.
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