Sometimes, filth is so good that you just have to have it three times around. For me, ‘filth’ in music is not so much about the grittiness of the recording production it’s also about the whole atmosphere created by the music.
Call it old-fashion, but I just don’t get that kind of vibe much from most of the newer extreme metal bands nowadays.
Anyway, I called it filth when it makes me want to skinny dip into a bathtub full of Jack Daniels’ sweet cocktail, or onto a squeaky bug infested bed with a ‘red-moon’ femme fatale on top.
I might even do way more than that with these great pieces of filth from Gehennah (NO, NOT the American HC ones), Sodom and N.M.E.

Yup! It’s time to cut some flesh and vomit a few brain cells out.
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