It’s Thursday night, and I’m always in the mood for some freaky happenings on Thursday. That goes for music also, other than just booze and women. Rather than hearing some tried and tired stuffs I would always challenge myself to something less obvious.
Tonight’s the night for some challenging listens. Starting with the unbelievably far-beyond-its-time dark and haunting musical work of Italian progressive rock band, Jacula. The band is supposedly founded in 1968 in Milan as an experimental project by Antonio Bartoccetti, Doris Norton (a.k.a. Fiamma Dello Spirito), organist Charles Tiring and medium Franz Porthenzy.
Tonight, the band’s debut 1969 album is first on my playlist...a great piece of instrumental soundtrack, for vile deeds and a bloody night out.
Next up is weird-hybrid time by All The Empires Of The World. Hell, I don’t even know how to start describing this one even to myself. I do, however, kind of like the way their label bullshit about it...
“All The Empires Of The World operate on that strange threshold between ambient music and Very Loud Metal Music. They shift effortlessly between drifting atmospherics, cataclysms of downtuned sludge, shimmering clouds of shoe-gaze noise, creeping ur-Sabbath squeals, seismic low frequency jams, single guitar meditations, beautiful post-rock dashes and transcendental riff worship. The live show is crushingly loud, bruising, beautiful and crushingly loud.”
Yeah, sure, something like that will work. It’s free anyway. And, it’s never boring.

Last, but not least, is a little Darkjazz cocktail from The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble. This is one piece of uncanny mixture of styles that I really can dig me fangs into. This is highly recommended for late night stalking, down the sidewalks and maze of alleys, with a cold steel at hand.
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