Monday, June 4, 2012

Never Too Old

Nope. You’re never too old to change your view of this pathetic life, or to change your taste of booze, preferred killing ground, choice of suicide method etc.

So why not change one’s perception of what particular color should be used on a particularly heavy, legendary, ground breaking Rock/Metal album? 

Just as well, perhaps one should also change the preference regarding what particular entity/entities a band’s name should refer to, when it is/was playing a particularly heavy, legendary, ground breaking Rock/Metal music? 

In that spirit, one should then perhaps be able to revaluate the merit of naming a band after a Roman citizen who was supposedly boiled in a pot and beheaded for his beliefs, and has since been revered as a patron saint of epileptics and depicted as a man who loves carrying poultry, on top of a green corny book.

It might also be a good time for one to start revaluating the merit of how a band named after a Roman citizen who was supposedly boiled in a pot and beheaded for his beliefs, and who has since been revered as a patron saint of epileptics and depicted as a man who loves carrying poultry, on top of a green corny book, released its legendary second full length with a cover artwork that is predominantly daubed in pink.  

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