Specialization is always intriguing. It tends to provide a comprehensive look over something that would otherwise seem trivial from a generalized point of view. The only problem is it’s mostly a love-it-or-hate-it situation with such specialized stuffs. Of course, on the other hand, it also provides a chance to satisfy peculiar fetishes as the following great blogs shall represent.
It’s one thing to read a review of a horror movie from people making a living out of such undertakings, and to read a review from someone who has nothing to gain from it (except for the thrill of watching and crapping oneself to shit with such movies). When morbid movies are your fetish, you can’t go wrong with this blog.

Filth, Par Excellence
Lust is lust, and flesh is of course flesh. Combine the two and we have the reason for our viral-existence and procreation in this wasteland called earth. It’s a lot of fun though, that’s for sure, especially when people start doing it not for procreation and just for recreation. Depopulation is always more welcomed, and it’s a hell lot better when it’s done in the proper, joyful spirit.

Cult of the Undead
Some things are so important that life would be rendered meaningless unless they are sought after with great perseverance! One of those things is the ever important need to collect all manner of 20th and 21st centuries’ relics of the living dead myth. Yes. You read and heard it right. The zombies. The walking stinks. The things that go bump in the dead of night. The quintessential thing to do in the banality of nowadays swarm of a suffocating overpopulated shithole called life. Click and learn people.

Inanimate Beings
The skill to put together an inanimate entity to paper, out of fantasy alone, is a most intriguing trait any humans could ever aspire to achieve. I just fucking love these morbid, menacing, lusty drawings. They look so much better not just because the artist seemed to be a highly gifted fellow, but also because they are inanimate. Things just tend to look better when they are inanimate, don’t you think?

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