After a long tedious day of 9 to 5 slavery, sometimes it feels good just to think of something else than this stupid fucking life. Like, thinking of extreme underground music and lifestyle, for example. One or two joints later, and it all becomes a mighty, psychedelically amusing cerebral exercise. Just like the following bloggers have always provided during those morbid moments.
Contemplating Extreme Art
What goes on in the mind of such true Black Metal gentleman as Euronymous, for example, regarding life? What can be learnt from personal correspondence written by such a figure during his heyday in the snail-mail underground music scene? If such questions begs or nags for an immediate answer, you couldn’t come to a better place than this blog.

A Theory of Darkness
I suppose it’s not enough just to have music capable of stirring people to murder others or themselves, some just have to dissect it through philosophical ponderings too. I think I’ll let the blog’s own official description to reveal the depths of oddity that it is all about: “Information and archive site for black metal theory events. Not black metal. Not theory. Not not black metal. Not not theory. Black metal theory. Theoretical blackening of metal. Metallic blackening of theory. Mutual blackening. Nigredo in the intoxological crucible of symposia.” Right. Feel free to up the dosage down there, if you dare.

Decent Taste & Insight
Sometimes you get a good blog that features more than just a decent choice of musicians/musical works. Other times you get blogs that features more than just a decent amount of thoughts and information on each musicians/musical works posted. Once in a couple millennia, you get a blog that actually defy the laws of banality and features both decent aspects: taste & insight. Fucking-A!

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