How deathly could firecrackers and the wind be, one might ask?
They seemed pretty lethal in early 2012, particularly in the Philippines and Colorado.
A Philippine official says at least 476 people have been injured by powerful firecrackers and gunfire despite a government scare campaign against dangerous New Year revelries.

One report suggested that injured revelers, many of which are children, filled Philippines’ hospital emergency rooms shortly after midnight. 454 were reportedly injured by firecrackers, 18 by stray bullets and four by accidentally swallowing small firecrackers or explosive powder.
Swallowed firecrackers and stray bullets? Seems like the Philippines do know how to have fun.
Meanwhile, in Colorado, high winds sweeping through the Northern Rockies forced the shutdowns along long stretches of highways and resulted in at least one death.
A Colorado driver reportedly died at a hospital after suffering fatal injuries in a freak accident when a tree branch snapped off in a heavy gust and smashed through his windshield

This all sounds like the perfect circumstance to listen to something wild and grim, such as the delightful musical diatribes of Aura Noir.

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