I believe there was a time, indeed, when talented musicians make music in the dimly lighted, hate infested underground, worldwide, base solely on the desire of inflicting darkness, pain, and hate onto the world.
True. Fame and fortune may have also come as motivations for these people, later on in their paths. Nevertheless, you can always tell the distinctive difference when they were making music out of the nihilistic desire for world ‘contamination’, and when they start thinking about ‘dressing up’ for publicity stunts. These were music that will simply be hard to sell on their time (mind you, were talking about times when the internet have yet to exist as a public domain)
Those days, when music were made for the sake of venting the darkest of one’s desires, were the days of my (maybe some others too) musical upbringing. Sure, many of these musicians have changed in desire and attitude. It doesn’t change the fact that they had made music that give a fuck all to what the public wanted or cared about, once..
As this blog have always claimed since day one, that it is here to share such things, so here’s a collection of music crafted, as it clearly seems to me, by the desire of offering the world what it doesn't deserve – unbridled and uncompromising darkness, without the trappings of fame and fortune and Ebay and blogs and documentaries and youtube and musical sophistry and whatnot...