Monday, February 27, 2012

Hades Valley

Personally, it has always been hard to find a piece of extreme underground music that really lives up to my expectation of what constitute the epitome of blackened death metal.

One of those rare gem is Aussie’s Sadistik Exekution 1994 track. “Hades Valley”. A superb instrumental track that -as far as I’m concerned- puts all sorts of nowadays Sludge/Doom/Stoner/Drone claim to heaviness and darkness to shame.

PS: This band never liked to be labeled Black Metal, but I’m doing it anyway because some of their lyrical and visual traits clearly points to the good ole spirit of Black Metal’s inversed-Christianity galore....even if it is (as some say) done in a tongue-in-check spirit.

Who says evil can’t be funny anyway?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The 70s

Those born in the 1990’s, and maybe also late 1980s, will most likely be unfamiliar with 70s music as a background to their teenage and adolescent years. So, it’s a bit intriguing to see so many 90s youngsters nowadays picking up on the 70s vibe...

Is it the colorful drug-induced, laid back, fuzzy, meth-addicted warmth of the era that drag them?

What makes the retro-70s momentum so intriguing for me, is that it is now seemed to be mixed with death-obsessed and crude anti-Christian or pseudo-psychedelic and occult themes that turned the 70s ‘innocence’ into all out ‘transgressions’...

What a lovely comeback for the era indeed! Especially if it is heralded by talented musicians who do know how to handle their instruments, like the hard rockin bluesy US’ Tia Carrera and UK’s doomy Sabbath-esque Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One of Those Days

Yup. It’s one of those days, when all you can think of is how you’re going to bash someone’s head in the bar...or how you are going to attack the next bastard turning into the alley...

It’s one of those days alright, when the mental thirst to hate and destroy just gets too much to handle that your hands start to tremble every time you try to suppress it.

And when you’re actually too old to be having a teenage angst that might stir up such emotion, then maybe it is time to contemplate just how fucking mentally sick you really are, eh?

AND......What better music would accompany such contemplation than the likes of Aura Noir?

By the way, that 19th century cartoon posted at the beginning is supposed to express prejudice against the Irish people...Fuck, if all Irish people are as untamed as that I would be proud to be an Irishman....Stupid cartoon...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fifteen-Years Old Sulphur

Anyone who has read this blog posts before must have known that I don’t like to talk about the bands/musicians I refer to in each post. However, this German band deserves a different treatment.

There must have been at least a dozen acts named ‘Charon’ back in the snail-mail underground days. I don’t think I recall one from Germany before, but this Charon is supposedly founded in that country in 1997.

The fact that it has taken them 15 years to produce a full-length is something highly intriguing for me.

Basically, I was expecting a time-capsule kind of band, with music that is frozen in time to the good ole days of Blackened-death metal.

Don’t think I can expect anything better. Not even with the slight hints of Grind here and there..

That haunting guitar sound, wailing high and menacing in the background of almost all the songs, are one of the things that got me hooked instantly.

Fantastic, even when it’s nothing original.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It’s All About Will

How much will-power is needed to sit still in a Budha-like lotus position for hours on end? Does it require the same amount of will-power needed to stab a faggot trying to pick you up on a night stroll through the woods?

How much will-power does it take to stay true to whatever music style a group of musicians is playing? Does it require the same amount of will-power needed to resist fucking a college-girl neighbor that keeps flaunting her superb curves at you every weekend?


The only will-power I am interested nowadays is Grand Magus’ 2008 album. At least with this thing I do have the will-power to face up to any annoying complaints from any colleague for not hearing anything they fucking say, due to the band’s music blaring through my headphones.

Yes. It’s a second post in a row with the same fucking band. Why not anyway?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hell is You, Me and Everyone

I can never remember the name of that French philosopher and writer that created a story underlining how the presence of other people is what the definition of ‘hell’ is all about.

Was it Sarte?

Anyway, that definition has often crept up on various encounters with individuals that are simply obnoxious. As annoying as it is, it does put many of the stuffs on my playlist oddly into perspective.

Take, for example, the blistering and scorching diatribes of Cruel Force.

What would be a better soundtrack for stalking and then slicing up a back stabbing-snob-on-the-stupid-neighboring-cubicle into tiny fleshy and meaty ribbons than this?

It’s just the ultimate pleasure of non-pretentious, in your face, unbridled misanthropy.

Not the best of the genre, but such tracks as “Leather and Metal” is definitely not a shitty tune to have while engaging oneself in some drive by shooting or while dragging an ex-wife through town by the rear a variety of other harmless frolicking around the suburbs.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bad Blood

Ever seen a lay-off? I’ve seen one, once, and will always remembered what someone told me about it.

“It’s like those mob movies. A purge is needed every now and then, within any group of enterprising people, to clean out the ‘bad blood’.”

Interesting theory isn’t it? I bet everybody that got laid-off that day would be happy to hear it.

Anyway, other than ‘bad blood’, another thing that we can do with that life-fluid and I happen to like is an oath of blood. And Swedes Grand MagusBlood Oath is perhaps one the best soundtrack to such an event..

Shit. That’s a really weird way of choosing my daily dosage of metal.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dimmer Days

There are days when whatever dim sense of hope I have for life simply grows dimmer and dimmer. Today’s one of those day.

It’s that kind of day when another asshole thinks s/he is the center of the world, and everyone else who thinks otherwise are jerks.

Lovely bunch of meat that the world -or at least my line of sight- could surely do without.

Nevertheless, they do present those lovely times when listening to the likes of Dishammer becomes such a pure joyful moment of misanthropy.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The end of free downloads is nigh?

Someone told me somewhere, a rather long time ago, that one of my biggest problem is not knowing when “the end is nigh”. Fair enough. I did crash a car once out of not knowing when to stop putting the pedal to the some other shitty moments..

But, never before has that statement ring louder in my head than when I started to read about the SOPA/PIPA Acts that are supposedly being prepared in the U.S. Hearing that these are legal instruments that could actually end free sharing and file storing of music is like hearing one of those daylight lightning strikes. Shocking and annoying at the same time.

I thought it was just a joke, until I try to access Megaupload and got this instead....

Well, since I’ve never like to read complex legal drafts, and found the following video very helpful to understand what SOPA/PIPA’s consequences are, thought I’d just share it here now and safe anyone reading the pain of understanding what the hell I’m blabbering about.