“After every sacrifice Dur-Hadraz experience a “cliff-hanging” tension and a desire
to commit a more perfect sacrifice than before, one that is closer to their fantasy.
Rather than being satisfied when they sacrifice, Dur-Hadraz are compelled to repeat their holy offerings in a cycle, a pattern of serial movie-like “cliff-hanger” sacrificial garlands.
After all the courting, the mutilating, the running and capturing and repeating, there must come a time when you have to be bold and end it. Why would you continue playing around when there’s more prey out there to feast upon?
“Arterial Sacred Elixir is bright red, pushing with power to a swollen organ or a filled breast-begging to be taken, used, released of its burden-sent out to implore the needy to live through its message.
It carries Iron, the destination of the
magnet, the forward force of motion, leading the path to