Monday, September 15, 2014

What’s Yours, What’s Mine

What’s yours and what’s mine, is something that needs to be subtly decided, divided…

…hacked and slashed, in absolute greed and hatred….less no decision, no division, shall suffice…

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Thought on Burials

From living to death, 

…what would one bring to the tomb?

Something to cuddle to in the grasp of cold earth…

Where one shall be swallowed by time

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Tribute

If one is suppose to give a meaningful tribute, it might as well be a tribute to the darkest of one’s desire. A celebration of whatever beastly lineage one has. 

Perhaps, on a nicely sculpted furnace, with a suitable amount of fire and a large enough entrance to fit a modest sized person…child…maybe two of each kind. 

What a lovely tribute that should be…

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dream of Cults

I’ve been dreaming of cults, strange cults, lately. Names and faces that looked familiar yet has no names to recall for. What a month of great, morbid dreams.

Dreams of nameless masses, moving as one, holding up candles, morphing as one, into an orgy of mass arson. What lovely, lovely nocturnal travels they have been.

Long live The Cult, the Mysteries of Our Time in this Flaming existence.

Hail The Cult! The nurturer of chaos and night.