In the long gone days, problems are solved fist-to-fist, sword-to-sword. No public mass protests. No mob riots. Every fucking dick and cunt settled grievances on a lethal scale, a battleground. None of those crap non-violence movement or whatever…
In the ancient days, when you do decide to take up sword as a group, you don’t do it in broad day light. You don’t wait for adrenaline junky press’ dicks and cunts to ensure your conflict is taped and shown around the globe. You don’t video fucking tape your roadside bombs’ hits and kills, to publicize around the world.
Hell no. In the ancient days, you simply go as a band of comrades, under the cloak of night, with torches and hooded robes. Bringing banners that sported your wrath and allegiance to the cold, unforgiving ancient spirits of the night…