Friday, May 31, 2013

The Rule

Have you ever get the feeling that everything is going down the drain, much-much faster than usual, all around you? It’s not that you’ve done anything wrong. It’s just that circumstances are rapidly moving to your disadvantage. Like giant walls squeezing together in all direction, closing up gaps and alleys that seem to have always been there for the taking, and yet never appear to be so important until they start disappearing.

It’s a bit exciting, actually. Slightly ‘claustrophobic’ for some I suppose. That is until you realize that it is not an exception to the rule. It is the rule. 

No gaps or paths last forever. Not in this blackened pentacle called life.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Silent Mark

As boring as it may sound, you just can’t ‘pretend’ with some types of music. Not with music designed to express the depths of a bottomless, lightless, primal pit, where one’s soul has crept into, in order to shun all manners of benevolence. No sir you cannot pretend that.

It’s something that just ooze out form the notes, the chords, the vocals works…Like dirty, brownish moss on a damp cellar wall. Small details yet with the unmistakable flair of a truly dark heart.

It’s almost like minute traces of dried blood, from a piece of sudaria, used to wipe the dried rivulets of a crucified pagan god.

Nope. You just cannot fake shit like this. It’s ingrained, like a silent mark on the back of your prey’s neck, as your burrow your targeting eyes on it.

Monday, May 20, 2013


As life continues to deposit its piles of mediocre, meaningless, and puny throes onto a person’s existence, is it any wonder why so many craved sex, drugs, smartphone apps, and many other distractions? Yes indeed, it is always a blessing to be able to wonder off, clueless and careless of life’s disgusting ebbs and flows.

Some needs blood to wander…some just need a little bit of quality music. An orchestral key to the unseen planes

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Having problems sleeping? Had enough of those sleeping pills? Infested cunts and dicks?

Worry no more. 




Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pairs n Riddles

I like pairs, and I like riddles too. So here’s a pair woven in a riddle….

If your fetish blossoms only on Thursday night, then here’s the slow-footed 1973 twin, of that poisonous ‘69 tail

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

For Granted

It’s always amusing to see people taking things for granted. Thinking, it often seemed to be, that everything will go on as before, business as usual, ad infinitum. That you can keep making the same shit mistakes over and over and over again, with impunity, or eternal understanding and forgiveness.

The biggest fun is when you see these sheep bang their heads hard against whatever walls they are inevitably racing to. Boy do I love the tears. Love the blood. Love the pain and insanity. 

It’s like slow dissection…you can almost taste the exquisite pain, in every inch of disembodied limbs