Monday, April 29, 2013


What is obscurity, if not hidden and secluded existence?

So why are so many throwing the word left and right, for anything new in the underground extreme metal music scene that is actually quite accessible by the internet?

What the fuck is so obscure about it when you can google up something in a few seconds?

Well, that said, some shits do get deliciously murky and primordial every now and then…Not obscure, but definitely not shallow either.

Just like teenage flesh on a moonlit equinox. Yummy.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is A Flame

Love is a flame
A devil's thing
A violent storm
About to be born

Just look in these eyes
See all the lies
All the things you see
You cannot deny

Got a flame
Burns inside
If you don't wanna burn
Just walk on by
And the pain
You're feeling now
Is nothing compared
To the pleasures I hide

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


What does it take for people to wake up to fucking reality? 

I guess people just forget, easily. No matter how much death and destruction happen, how much gruesome ways we have been killing each other, we just forget.

And so we continue to fornicate, and have fun, and babies, regardless of how fucked-up life has become.

Well, maybe that’s good anyway. More suffering, might just lead to more awakening 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

How To Exit

How do you exit the stage, after performing one of Progressive Rock’s most monumental concert ever?

No, no blood drinking, bat chewing, naked girls romping needed. No bombastic theatrical charade is also warranted.

You just walk off, and head to the left of the stage.

That’s all there is to it 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Silly Bloody Days

Looking back on those good ole snail-mail days of the extreme global underground musical circuit, one would be a fool not to laugh at some of the bad blood between ‘groups’ that goes on those days.

I still remember the days when HC/Punk shits would always look to pick up fights with Death/Black Metal cocks, at every fucking venue around my neighborhood. 

Great nights for bleeding fists and noses, I tell ya.

Now what does it all mean anyway? Can’t sing about evil if your punk/HC?

What a bunch of bullshits

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


If I can ever choose a pet, it would have to be menacing. A little fuzzy and unclear in terms of species, but it definitely needs to be unfriendly.

Maybe a Tarkus will do.

You know. That psychedelic, gun-toting, fuzzy, tank-morphed thing from the 1970s. The one that roam around the rainbow-colored vista of Mr. Emerson, Lake and Palmer’s twisted and egocentric little minds?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Twisted Little Fun

How do you have your fun years ago? Did you also try the joy of arson on hallowed ground? Pillaging the dead ones’ last abode? Mutilating little pesky preachers?

Dirty, summer-filled days of vice, galore. Just thinking about it brings back fond memories of those nearly perfect soundtracks from the darker sides of metal music..

I miss the dirty black summer