Friday, December 13, 2013

The End

Why do we put so much concern about the way things ends? Celebrate the ending of a year, a season, a cycle of time. What the fuck for? 

On the other hand, when thing end it does imply that they really do cease to exist. Now that’s not such a bad reason to celebrate. But to celebrate the end as a sign of the beginning of something else is just ridiculous. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

About Old Nick

“I cling unto the burning Æthyr like Lucifer that fell through the Abyss, and by the fury of his flight kindled the air. 
And I am Belial, for having seen the Rose upon thy breast, I have denied God.
And I am Satan! I am Satan! I am cast out upon a burning crag! And the sea boils about the desolation thereof. And already the vultures gather, and feast upon my flesh.” 
- Aleister Crowley, The Vision and the Voice: With Commentary and Other Papers

Saturday, November 30, 2013


If you’re going to keep claiming something that you have musically produced as being ‘necro’, then do be prepared to expect psychotic dickheads such as me to demand a few prerequisites in relation to the claim.

First of all is the cavernous, murky and guttural quality of the recorded works presented on the platter. Anything short of morbid, uncanny whispers and groans as would be expected on gatherings of sketchy personages, within the confines of darkened rooms and hallways, of a dusty candle lit mansion, is simply unacceptable.

Then of course come the musty, filthy feel of the music itself to be considered. Anything less than the semblance of a darkened, foggy night shade in a damp and densely wooded valley, colored by none other than a pale moonlight, are absolutely NOT ‘necro’. 

Even worst, any attempted charade, to artificially present the aforementioned nuances, will definitely guarantee your talentless musical endeavor a place in ‘our’ psychopathic hateful killing-list

Friday, November 29, 2013

Wonderful View XIV

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” - Voltaire

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Negative People

I've just learned from an acquaintance that I belong to a unique group of distasteful people called ‘the negative people’. The reason is because I supposedly focus too much on negative things in face of other stuffs that I should instead be grateful for.

So, some say it’s that “not seeing the tress for the forest” or something like that. What a wonderful concept.

Instead of bitching about how the world is so fucked up, I should be grateful to be living it. I should be grateful that about 2% of people enjoy the world’s total wealth while the rest (including me) have to fight over crumbs falling off their tables. 

What is wonderful about these ‘positive people’, is that the moment you remind them about how the world’s creator doesn't even want to life in this all-good world they would immediately cut any association with you. 

Why is this wonderful? Why, because it provides the benefit of you feeling a lot less inhibited to show them the power that being negative imbues, the next time your paths cross each other.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


With good ole Halloween coming in, I do believe it's high time for all misanthropic souls to hold a feast. Say, a communion of sort, with the dreary and disgusting plight called life as its centerpiece celebratory focus.

A blissful communion of hatred, where blood, entrails and sermons of self immolation or mutual homicide shall be keenly shared, from dusk to dusk...  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Seven Minutes

Some of the more intriguing, though-provoking conversations, takes less than or just about 7 minutes  to last...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


It is time to rest the weary senses, in joyful feast and carnal gatherings. Let the mind wanders away and away, adrift forever in limbo.

In wanderlust, walking the fiery paths of indulgence…Seeking refuge on necromantic planes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Friends and Foes

I don’t believe in coincidence. Not when every fiber of my instinct tells me there’s a manipulation going on. You can dug in all the schemes, out of sight, as deep as you can, well trained instincts can never be fooled.

And yet, it is amusing how some poorly staged pretence continue to be displayed by those claiming to be your friends. For some reason, it seems as if they believe that they can always outsmart all manners of instincts that an untamed soul has for smelling sugar-coated shit. 

I can’t wait for the joy of inducting such self-assured meat into the joys and tales of terror. The only place where all lies, masks and charades are stripped down to bare bones, pain and blood.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


I think it is clear that I don’t fucking understand anymore what people are saying when they say Black metal, now, 12 or 13 fucking years into the gloriously violent 21st century. It’s probably an age problem, not!

Strangely enough, twenty something odd years ago, the same kind of “WTF??” pops up whenever one is forced to understand what the hell everybody was talking about when they say ‘Death  Metal’. Because the name used to mean a handful of incredibly talented bands that, despite playing the same type of music, just don’t fucking sound so similar to each other, you could easily forget their monikers and think they’re all one and the same fucking band?!

Well, at least, back then, carbon copy sounds notwithstanding here and there, everyone was playing heavy, sick and aggressive as hell. I guess that’s much better than being all confused, half-assed, aimless, and all other manners of crap, while also sporting morbid, sinister artworks or concepts?  

How the fuck does that work, anyway? Playing under a certain set of established imagery, and yet sounding like something that should be categorically different? Maybe that’s progress, yes? What the fuck do I know? 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


The full extent of misanthropy and impurity and how it is channeled into each and every part of a living thing’s neurons, can perhaps be best captured, and thus appreciated, through taxidermy. 

There’s just nothing quite like the sight of a sinister, well preserved, trophy.

A little something to liven up the living room...

Saturday, August 31, 2013


In the long gone days, problems are solved fist-to-fist, sword-to-sword. No public mass protests. No mob riots. Every fucking dick and cunt settled grievances on a lethal scale, a battleground. None of those crap non-violence movement or whatever…

In the ancient days, when you do decide to take up sword as a group, you don’t do it in broad day light. You don’t wait for adrenaline junky press’ dicks and cunts to ensure your conflict is taped and shown around the globe. You don’t video fucking tape your roadside bombs’ hits and kills, to publicize around the world.

Hell no. In the ancient days, you simply go as a band of comrades, under the cloak of night, with torches and hooded robes. Bringing banners that sported your wrath and allegiance to the cold, unforgiving ancient spirits of the night…

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wonderful View XII

ex·quis·ite  [ik-skwiz-it, ek-skwi-zit]- adjective
1.of special beauty or charm, or rare and appealing excellence, as a face, a flower, coloring, music, or poetry.
2.extraordinarily fine or admirable; consummate: exquisite weather.
3.intense; acute, or keen, as pleasure or pain.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Visual Delights

What is delightful to the eyes can also be, sometimes, delightful to the mind....

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIBIL, Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIRRA, Spirit of the Flames, Remember!
O God of Fire, Mighty Son of ANU, Most terrifying among Thy Brothers, Rise!
O God of the Furnace, God of Destruction, Remember!
Rise Up, O God of Fire, GIBIL in Thy Majesty, and devour my enemies!
Rise up, O God of Fire, GIRRA in Thy Power, and burn the sorcerers who persecute me!

Open the gates for rebirth, tonight!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Boredom can be such a persuasive thing. It can lure you and me, to do all sorts of interesting things. Like dying from being choked from your own beer-induced vomiting, for example… or trying the fun of shooting a stranger. 

Hell, why not try the new excitement by shooting a jogger, on a deserted street, near a blood red neon sign, preaching salvation to all and sundry. Lovely. No more boring nights.

Just a whole lot of death and insanity in the lock up…. What a way to end your boredom.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weekend’s Here

It’s the weekends again. That momentous time that only comes once a week, where any cold blooded hunter knows it is time to sharpen some fangs, machetes and spiked boots.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


If not for an acquaintance alerting me to it, I wouldn’t have bothered to think that anybody would actually make a documentary of the underground black metal-saga. But, I guess some do, and did it quite well too. That is, ‘well’ in terms of highlighting what I’ve always sensed it is going to lead to in the end.

Even without watching most of the documentaries floating about in the internet, I can already tell that it will end up as a brand. Years and years ago, when there was less fat around the belly, hairs around the mouth and scars around the limbs, all I ever dreamt of is to rid the underground of these trends. And boy-oh-boy, do I fucking hate the ‘trendies’ back then. Still hate them now, but not with the same intensity, spite and malice. At least I don’t go out hunting them down anymore… 

It was never about how commercially successful they were/are, but about how they have turned the murky, morbid and hidden nature of the music I was deeply obsessed with, into normal, accepted, everyday bullshit. It used to be out of reach, sequestered, just as this pathetic life was (and still is), so it felt ‘cozy’ to “be with it” rather than just listen to it…That is until all the morons who like to ‘dress up’ come along, and somehow make it ‘mainstream’.

But, hey, it’s inevitable isn’t it? Flocks of sheep always do need a signpost, a flag, a mustering point, to hang on for direction, rebellion, etc… no matter how little they actually know about the nature of that thing they’re clutching on. 

Alas, every now and then, there do appear those who seemed to know what the fuck this whole thing is all about. So fuck the trends, and long live the trends…

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tarantula’s Wisdom


the unhappy, the bitter and
the vengeful
need their
fix - which is
you or somebody
in agony, or
better yet
dead, dropped into some

as long as there are
humans about
there is never going to be
any peace
for any individual
upon this earth or
anywhere else
they might
escape to.


is working toward you
right now, and
I mean you
and nobody but

(Charles Bukowski – “relentless as the tarantula”, 1986)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sliced heroes

I’ve always admired those who stood up courageously to try and change things that are ‘wrong’, ‘crooked’, ‘unjust’…whatever you call it. Mostly because, more often than not, they’ll always end up in some kind of tragic, bloody, pathetic death. 

Heroic death, as some like to call it. So fucking heroic they’ll write songs about it. Hell, they even create some bullshit story about how the hero will get resurrected, one day…

Reincarnated, in a new, pathetic, heroic pile of flesh. Survivor of a grim, long forgotten, severely butchered death.

Well, I don’t think this catharsis thing my doctor talks about, with this blogging thingy, is working well. 

I still crave the blood. The heroic ones..

Saturday, June 29, 2013


How do you condense all the best, the filthiest, the rawest of late 80’s extreme metal into one cup of juicy, tasty, addictive, adrenalin pumping cacophony? 

I suppose you just hafta let the Brazilians do it…No one else can come close. 

Not a single swinging dick.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Thing Is

So more shooting sprees have occurred, so what? More people going nuts over every day humdrums? More hate and more frustration spreading around the community?

The thing with hate is, you don’t explode in fits of rage or shooting galore if it is truly hate. Most of the time, you’ll sort of ‘implode’ and turn into an emotionless, pure grade hatred.

When you do ‘burst’, it’ll be in a suspended, white-heat, explosion of ever greater orgasmic vengeance, blossoming in full vengeful glory 

Fuck how I miss it all.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I love you because I need to
pass on the spiraling genes
survival by all means
marriage, rape and cohabitation
I love your body because of my genes
spiraling for survival
at any means

war, genocide and traditions
I love the need to replicate the being
the nagging copy of my forefathers bearing
I love you because I love them that beckons
pass on the twisting genes

from chaotic waters

when love is primal and untamed

so shall I love you because I need to
pass on the chaos

AM 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Rule

Have you ever get the feeling that everything is going down the drain, much-much faster than usual, all around you? It’s not that you’ve done anything wrong. It’s just that circumstances are rapidly moving to your disadvantage. Like giant walls squeezing together in all direction, closing up gaps and alleys that seem to have always been there for the taking, and yet never appear to be so important until they start disappearing.

It’s a bit exciting, actually. Slightly ‘claustrophobic’ for some I suppose. That is until you realize that it is not an exception to the rule. It is the rule. 

No gaps or paths last forever. Not in this blackened pentacle called life.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Silent Mark

As boring as it may sound, you just can’t ‘pretend’ with some types of music. Not with music designed to express the depths of a bottomless, lightless, primal pit, where one’s soul has crept into, in order to shun all manners of benevolence. No sir you cannot pretend that.

It’s something that just ooze out form the notes, the chords, the vocals works…Like dirty, brownish moss on a damp cellar wall. Small details yet with the unmistakable flair of a truly dark heart.

It’s almost like minute traces of dried blood, from a piece of sudaria, used to wipe the dried rivulets of a crucified pagan god.

Nope. You just cannot fake shit like this. It’s ingrained, like a silent mark on the back of your prey’s neck, as your burrow your targeting eyes on it.

Monday, May 20, 2013


As life continues to deposit its piles of mediocre, meaningless, and puny throes onto a person’s existence, is it any wonder why so many craved sex, drugs, smartphone apps, and many other distractions? Yes indeed, it is always a blessing to be able to wonder off, clueless and careless of life’s disgusting ebbs and flows.

Some needs blood to wander…some just need a little bit of quality music. An orchestral key to the unseen planes

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Having problems sleeping? Had enough of those sleeping pills? Infested cunts and dicks?

Worry no more. 




Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pairs n Riddles

I like pairs, and I like riddles too. So here’s a pair woven in a riddle….

If your fetish blossoms only on Thursday night, then here’s the slow-footed 1973 twin, of that poisonous ‘69 tail