Friday, August 31, 2012

When You Think You Really Know

The day when you think you really know someone, is (by experience) the day when big surprises will come to knock you off your complacent, self-assured self.  

No one is predictable. A staunch, amiable Christian, who carries a bible just about everywhere the dick goes, could turn out at a movie premier one day and just decide to shoot dead everyone in sight.

Just the same, a nick name from Eastern Europe, Voyvoda, could refer to both a robber gang leader and a revolutionary nationalist hero. Which reference should be considered when someone makes intriguing musical compositions under the same name?

There is just no predictable answer. Just as the music itself remains beautifully unpredictable in most instances.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tribute to Blogs – The Specialist (Pt.2)

As said before, specialization is always intriguing. It tends to provide a comprehensive look over something that would otherwise seem trivial from a generalized point of view. The only problem is it’s mostly a love-it-or-hate-it situation with such limited taste. Of course, on the other hand, it also provides a chance to satisfy peculiar fetishes as the following great blogs shall represent.

Cerebral Art

It’s always intriguing how much one can philosophize on the circumstances surrounding the late 90’s underground extreme metal scene, let alone the corpse-paint ridden one in Norway. Nevertheless, here is yet another rare blog doing exactly that, and in a quite intriguing way too. If the parallel between Mayhem’s Euronymous thinking (as well as bullshitting) and Bataille/Baudrillard’s sophistry is the sort of thing that keeps you awake for days on end in ecstatic bookworm orgasm, then please be advised – this is definitely where you should go (and die).

Industrialized Art

As the machination of musical expressions grow by leaps and bounds, inanimate ministries have been set up all over the blogosphere, to spread the advent of cold, indifferent musical art known as the industrial-collective. It is precisely in such a metallic nihilism, that Industrialskad, in my modest opinion, surely stands as the mother hive of the mechanical-collective. Get loaded with engine oil ejaculations and monoliths of emotionless fetish, for this is the mother shit-load of all industrial music manufacturing galore…   

The Art of Being Lost

I know an individual once, who decided that backpacking through exotic places is just not enough to free one’s sense of direction and meaning. The individual thus decided to scrap every nagging details, backpack; ID cards; credit cards; mobile phones; bag of clothes; wedding ring; family photographs etc, and just go where the feet walks. What a great day that was, especially when the adventurer showed up a couple years later being burnt and mutilated by an unknown individual. A fellow traveler perhaps?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Filth-arsis II

Moremoremoremore filth! Need it like the needle, the snowy white evil…

Moremoremoremore filth! Come grab that bleeding devil, that murky wound that ever coils….

Monday, August 20, 2012


There’s always those moments, when all you can really unwind to is through the reverberating chaos of filthy underground death metal shit. Not because it’s cool to be so, just because your brain could not comprehend anymore the reason why your bloodlust is racing up the roof, like a methane cocktail.  

Cliché preference, eh? Maybe it is. But it’s sure as fuck is real for this asshole’s pathetic life, so fuck you and your cliché BS.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I know it’s not exactly the Cold War bullshit era anymore, but one does think sometime about what delightful effects a nuclear radiation could inflict upon living things. I remember watching that stupid remake of the Japanese giant lizard movie once, when there’s a scene of gigantic earthworms coming out from the soil around Chernobyl…not to mention the story behind the lizard itself. 

Whateva. Why does one need to care so much about life anyway?

Maybe, Agruss (as the bullshit official bio suggest, so I’ve been told) is a genuine sample of how such radiation affect one’s musicality…or maybe it’s just B.S.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gettin’ creative

How creative can you get with the exquisite art of taking another’s life? Can never get one’s mind around it for sure.

Should a wet, rainy alley be treated differently than a dry, damp parking lot? Does the thickness and branding of one’s cutlery matter? Should certain styles of musical choice, attire or lighting be made?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

No Addiction Here

I think I have finally proven to all the critics that I am not addicted to anything they so peevishly accuse me of throughout the years. 

It’s been weeks now that I have gone 8 – 9 hours a day without chain smoking. It has also been weeks now that I don’t constantly crave for alcohol every hour or so.

Hell, I’ve even left this stupid blog unattended for at least two weeks without losing temper on every stupid traffic mongers in town.

Fuck. I think I can even overcome that last tingling addiction…