Saturday, April 25, 2015


Soundtracks can go a long way to expand a story, be it a book, a movie or a game. It can change a simple man heading out to a small scale, boring, several thousand casualties, separatist type of war… 

….into an epic, heroic, intergalactic struggle against scaly, fang-y, extraterrestrials bent on sodomizing earth..complete with blessed, magical weapons, and a whole line of action figures and comic franchise to boot..

Monday, April 20, 2015

Grand Master AOS

It is nice to notice that the Grand Master has finally been appropriately recalled in the era of wolves

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Strength never comes with ease or mediocrity. Sometimes it has to be forged in black choking smog. Among searing flames and grinding, dull, white bones. 

A forging of solid inner discipline, of the self, to embrace or reach beyond the beautiful chaos….

Monday, April 6, 2015


Been seeing eagles, hunting around the roadways that lead to work, and they are nothing short of amazing spectacles. 

Nothing could match the grace and magnificent of those birds swooping down from the sky to grab an unsuspecting toad, or snake, crossing the road, squirming under the crushing grip of the eagles’ talons. 

What a lovely sight. 

I could think of some ‘targets’ if I ever get reincarnated as an eagle…Flying down in a relentless assault on the unsuspecting meats, feeling their lives slips away under my talons, what could one ask for more ?

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Why can’t all greeting cards be so simple, truthful and eloquent? 

Sure, some may not like naked truth, even if it comes with pretty pictures. 

Sooner or later, one’s got to learn that, keeping skeletons in the closet will simply breed vengeful specters.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Some Roads

There are roads that swallow one’s chances up, even if all the bridges are left standing.

After all, some roads do require the whole man.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Magick of an Initial Try

The very first time trying to create something is always magical. Sometimes one hit the right combination of circumstances, notes, pitches, colors, moves, and come out with a composition of an art work that simply dazzles…

Other times it just doesn’t work, until further efforts right all the wrongs through evolution. Strange thing is, once it’s exceptionally good in the initial try, the continuation of the art, whatever it is, usually descends into inferior, mediocre things…

Guess nothing ever beat that first streak of genius.