Friday, December 26, 2014


They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder…

I’d say the same can be applied for music, particularly extreme ones, breeding in the hateful; depressed; frustrated caverns of the underground

…where beauty is as foul as the bloodied excrement that painted a pentacle on the wooden altar of my choosing

Thursday, December 25, 2014


In this joyful pagan feast, let us rejoice and make our offerings to those that sustain…

The son, the father, and the beautiful offering

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Somebody Told Me Once

Somebody told me once to tilt my head to the left, whenever I see a crescent moon. Said I could possibly see the master’s shadow, somewhere in the crescent horns… All the years of trying, I could never set sight on the shadow, no matter how much I squinted my eyes. 

I wonder sometimes, why the crescent moon is adopted as a symbol for a monotheistic religion? I suppose the master has many more facets and faces than I care to or could have understand?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Look At Someone

Sometimes you’d be looking at someone, thinking I could have been or be that person. Dead and stiff as cold as the asphalt under my tires. 

You know. Like, I could have died like that sorry bastard, all decapitated and mangled beyond recognition. I could have stopped and decide not to run that bastard down.   

But why should I stop anyway? Everybody has to die sometimes, right?

Monday, September 15, 2014

What’s Yours, What’s Mine

What’s yours and what’s mine, is something that needs to be subtly decided, divided…

…hacked and slashed, in absolute greed and hatred….less no decision, no division, shall suffice…

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Thought on Burials

From living to death, 

…what would one bring to the tomb?

Something to cuddle to in the grasp of cold earth…

Where one shall be swallowed by time

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Tribute

If one is suppose to give a meaningful tribute, it might as well be a tribute to the darkest of one’s desire. A celebration of whatever beastly lineage one has. 

Perhaps, on a nicely sculpted furnace, with a suitable amount of fire and a large enough entrance to fit a modest sized person…child…maybe two of each kind. 

What a lovely tribute that should be…

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dream of Cults

I’ve been dreaming of cults, strange cults, lately. Names and faces that looked familiar yet has no names to recall for. What a month of great, morbid dreams.

Dreams of nameless masses, moving as one, holding up candles, morphing as one, into an orgy of mass arson. What lovely, lovely nocturnal travels they have been.

Long live The Cult, the Mysteries of Our Time in this Flaming existence.

Hail The Cult! The nurturer of chaos and night.

Friday, May 2, 2014


For some unknown reason, flashes of intriguing maxims have been capturing my mind every now and then. It is not that flashes of weird thoughts have never come to this head, which makes these flashes seems special.

They are just so unthinkable, and for hell’s sake I can’t seem to put together where they might have originated from. None of them are original. They must have been lying dormant there, from things I watched, read, talk about…

Coming out of nowhere, like bogeys out of a misty, saturnian bog…….

If you haven’t got a penis, you’re a female
If you haven’t got a vagina, you’re a male
Those are facts; everything else is just choices and perceptions… 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Stopped Counting

When you stopped counting your achievements, no matter how excellent they are, then you should know that  you are walking on a path of no emotion. 

A blissful psyche plateau where deeds are forgotten as soon as they are committed….Under the sign of a mighty red dragon.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Getting Scared

If there’s one thing I’ve always found memorable about extreme metal music it must be its ghastly, morbid imagery. Maybe it is true that this type of music belongs to such imageries. Maybe it is also true what Ozzy Osbourne once said that being scared simply sells…because most of us like being scared.

But how easy would it be for us to get scared nowadays, anyway? With so much information and images being spun on the worldwide web, does anything still scare most us? A live feed beheading? Yup. Seen that.  Random shootings at schools? Seen those too. Gory disembowelments? Please. That’s daily shit on the internet.  

As we grow desensitized to all manner of things that used to be scary, it is always a pleasant surprise when you do stumble upon things that simply make the hairs on your neck stand on attention…Even more so if it is actually something from the extreme underground music scene, a place that is simply fucking over-saturated with ‘scary’ shits…

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Wonderful View XV

Because I love you, my youthful, youthful dear…

Therefore I tear you, and return you to those that sustains…

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Red Sky

Once, in a time long forgotten
The skies would turn red
Every now and then

And thus come forth
The signs of celestial time
Signatures of our fate to come

Friday, February 14, 2014


How would true infernal majesty arrive in this pathetic mudball called earth? Would it be as an uncanny, medieval-like experimentation, on dismembered limbs?

Perhaps such majesty will come as a pair of darkly-hallowed couple. A couple with whom death seems to smile as bright as the midday Sun. 

Or it could also be coming forth from the barren, cold dimensions, as a portal in a damp, hazy swamp. Oozing with darkness, brimming with vices…

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

People’s Windows

It may sound a bit too old school to believe I guess, but a person’s eyes are indeed the owner’s window to his or her soul. After a while of trying it out, you’ll be surprised how much you can tell by another’s glare…

I know I’ve seen quite a few intriguing sights in my lifetime. Everything from murderous to lustful and wary, the eyes are the most interesting thing in a human’s physique. Nuff said.

Monday, January 6, 2014

An Acquired Taste

One of the most nostalgic thing about the snail-mail underground days, is probably the excitement of buying recorded things that you just can’t be sure whether you’ll like or not, until it’s turning on your  audio player.. It’s one of those things that are just impossible to guess or fathom from flyers, band photos and assorted bad-ass bullshits on interviews. 

Something that takes weeks if not even months to get your hands on and yet still not knowing how it’ll turn out even then. Not until it spins on your tape deck or record player. Hell, nothing beats that excitement as far as this old fucker’s concern.

Of course, every now and then, you’ll end up buying shits you wish you hadn’t. Shit, you might just as well end up getting ripped-off clean. However, there might also be some of those intriguing moment when you’ll bumped into stuffs that grows on you, little by little, sometimes even years after. 

Those ‘acquired taste’ types of goodies that, in hindsight, you’d feel lucky of betting your measly allowance money for it.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Nothing beats a little violence on the pit. 

To get rid of all that pent up aggression.

A great catharsis for the warrior at heart…

Friday, January 3, 2014

With Fear

Those claiming to be fearless are either reckless or ignorant. This is especially true when it comes to dabbling in the enigmatic realm of the Occult, even more so when it comes to the darker sides of the realm.

Darkness, as one very wise and now very dead friend once told me, is a capricious harlot. Something that should be kissed with a delicate balance of fear and admiration, as an excessive leaning to either emotions could lead one to possession or slavery…

Always wonder if that good ole fuck is enjoying a delicate balance in darkness now?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Smellin’ It Everyday

If you know death, as some of us do, then you’ll see it, hear it, and smell it, every single fucking day. It’s an endless presence of morbid desire that sticks to you like some nightmarish memories.

Like an old wound that never heals, it haunts and taunts you to the brink of sanity. And nothing is more wonderful in this world than that foresight of death, lurking behind every shadow and laughter.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Buttering Up

What’s the point of buttering up someone? No matter how many times I think about it, seen it happen, or heard about it from others, I’ve never been able to grasp the purpose of that disgusting act. 

Is it about gaining some sort of access to ‘power’, or ‘influence’? Is it about survival? 

What if you get caught by others doing it? Does that make you refrain in shame or just continue in complete disregard for anyone other than yourself?  What if you get caught by someone who hates all manners of hypocrisy? 

What if you then end up being decapitated, along with the asshole you’re buttering up to, and made to have your severed heads kiss each other, in some beautiful postmortem type of artistic expression?

Well. I guess there’s always worse ways to die.